Katya Andreeva wrote one of the most popular BAE stories ever, “The Perfect Fit," which appeared in Best American Erotica 1996, and was reprinted in BAE 2003, as one of the readers' top five favorites.
Have you ever won an award of any kind for your writing?
Not yet!
Have you ever won an award for another one of your “talents”?
As a teenager, I won a class in a horse show. It was called "Maiden Equitation on the Flat." The idea is to have proper form while riding around the ring and doing what the judge requests.
How many books have you published?
Four? No, five. Something like that. One for adults. Three for kids. A workbook for teenagers for a museum. Plus numerous pamphlets for kids age 8-12 on origami. And a craft kit. And some skinny little books that are part of a reading program. If you count those, I guess, 8.
Do you have a scandalous or noteworthy theater life I should know about?
I used to do standup comedy.
Did you attend college? If so, which one? What was your major?
Brown University. Russian Studies.
How would you describe yourself in a phrase, school-wise?
Compulsive, anxious, overly caffeinated. Obsessed with Russian verbs.
Have you worked as a teacher? A writing teacher?
I taught 7th and 8th grade history at a private school on Manhattan's Upper West Side. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately, I only lasted one semester. Have yet to teach writing.
What other occupations do you hold, or have you held, besides being a writer?
Children's book editor.
Have you written for porn publishers or producers? If so, is that well-known to your peers?
Maybe. Not sure how you define porn pubs versus other pubs of sexually explicit material. Most of my friends know that I have written smut. Not all of my colleagues in kids books do, though.
How old are you? What is your astrological sign?
45. Libra, with Scorpio rising, Moon in Gemini.
Do your parents know about your erotic writing? Have they read it?
My mother does know about erotic writing, and has read one of my stories. At first she was pretty horrified, but then when she found out that I had a story in edited by Susie Bright, she thought it was cool. She knows Susie’s parents.
Have you ever used a pen name for your erotic work?
Illustration: Sacred Ikons.