Kweli Walker is beyond MILF. Her story, "Drunkie's Surprise," is not for the lavender-tea set— unless they want it spiked. Ms. Walker may grow old and wear purple, but somehow I think feathers might be involved, and maybe a little coconut oil.
Put aside your preconceptions, and see what a way-older woman has to offer...not to mention her own discrimination's. Let me share a bit of her Best American Erotica 2006 story with you:
(At fifty-something, Missy Jenkins decides to solicit the help of an older stripper to seduce handsome young drunks as they stagger away from The Chocolate Bar, a strip club across the street from her house).
Every day when she passed my place, Atlanta would yell over to my porch, "What you cookin'? Sho' smell good!"
I'd yell back, "Fried chicken!" or "Pork chops!" Or whatever I was cooking. We done like that for months until I got the idea to take her a plate and ask her 'bout all them fine young men that be comin’ to The Chocolate Bar.
When it got close to the time she came to work, I dished her up a platter of fried turkey thighs, potato salad, mustard greens, and two big fluffy scratch biscuits. When I handed it to her, I said, "I need to ax you some'n!"
She lifted up the foil and said, "Ax!" I told her what I needed and she told me how to get it. Later that night she brought a handsome little drunk over to my place.
Well, while he was passed out on my sofa, she asked me what I thought about him. I told her he was handsome, but I really like big men. She told me that she'd teach me how to come to the bar and pick the ones I like.
She said she picked a short man, 'cause short men try to make up for being short… in bed. When he come to, she went to work on him while I watched. When I got the hang of things, I jumped on in.
I was right in the middle of tryin' to give my first head job, when my teeth come loose and started to wobblin'.
Atlanta said, "You got false teeth?"
I nodded.
She said, "You need to pop 'em on out, girl. Don't be shame! This mutha fucka's drunk. He don't give a fuck what you look like. Try it with 'em out!" I spit 'em out and started sucking him like I saw Atlanta do.
"Un-unh! Missy, you goin' too slow! she said. "That'd be okay, if he wasn't so drunk.You got to suck fast and hard to get the blood down there, on a drunk."
So, I speeded up and Atlanta goes, "Awww, yeah, now you suckin' dick! See it's getting' hard again. He's almost cummin' too. You better stop while you can. When he get where he can talk, that's when you ax for your dick."
I go, "Just come right out and ask?"
"You better, or you can just keep suckin' until he cum in yo mouth. What do you get outta that?"
"What if he too drunk?"
"Sometimes that's even better. When they drunk like that, you just lay his ass out on the floor, get that dick hard as you can, and slap a cock ring on it, and ride it while you get yours."
"What do I do when I'm through?"
"Shit, wake that fool up and get him out your place. You don't want no strange man up in your house, while you sleep, do you?"
I shook my head.
"Then, you don't want him there when you wake up, either..."
Kweli Walker, excerpt from "Drunkie's Surprise," from Best American Erotica 2006.
SB: Young people often have a hard time imagining their "parents" getting it on, let alone Grandma. How did you make the leap?
As I got to be Grandma's age and my libido didn't take the 'predicted'
dive— and in fact strengthened— along with my sense of adventure, I
figured, "Ha! Another fuckin' myth about women."
I know many women who are aging who have
strong desire. In "Drunkie's Surprise," I wanted to playfully explore
the adventure of an older woman who was confronted with an 'off the
chain' libido.
SB: You wrote an interesting side character,
the stripper who found good marks for your horny heroine to make her
moves on. Do you think women, in real life, do enough for each other to
help find good sex?
KW: Unfortunately,
many women, because of religion and capitalism, highly restrict
themselves to the idea of one mate/per woman. Capitalism doesn't lend
to the idea of sharing.
Oddly enough, as the STD statistics display, many of us are sharing out of both panty legs, just in the least dignified and principled ways imaginable. Go figure.
What we really should be doing is first taking all our partners to be tested, and insisting on very real communication between all involved partners.
When women openly share quality men, as an
alternative to traditional marriage, it cuts two apples with one knife
-- everyone gets what they crave without so much friction of daily
life. This gives everyone involved more time to pursue other aspects of
their lives -- like writing books, doing art, reading, social
volunteering, research, exercise, etc. I am currently writing a novella
called, Delah's Day, that explores the many advantages of principled mate-sharing.
Ten years ago, it was unthinkable for black women to write their
erotica... Women confided to me that they'd love to do it, but they
didn't want to shame their family and friends, or have a larger (white) audience
come to unwarranted conclusions about black women's sexuality. One
writer said to me, "I'm already exoticized enough, just flippin'
KW: It's
a legitimate concern. Black women are often viewed in strictly sexual
terms. I believe this is the vestiges of African enslavement where we
were raped and bred on the whims of white men. When we were allowed to
read, it was the Bible.
These two occurrences alone are responsible for many black women being deeply out of touch, and in the closet about our actual sexuality. It will be a long process to stop from seeing ourselves as eternal whores or asexual saints, or as people who must prove to the dominant society that we aren't strictly sexual. But the journey to our 'real' selves is soooo worthwhile.
I hope that as we (blacks) become more in touch with our actual sexualities, we will become more accepting of ourselves and the wide sexual diversity in the larger society — more experimental and less judgmental.
SB: Advice is well-taken by anyone...