"You want me to do what?" I asked surprised, looking down at the silver coins on my naked stomach.
Patiently he explained again.
"Stand in the middle of the room, with your legs spread. Then put your hands together, over your head, palm to palm, with a dime beteen each pair of fingers and your thumbs."
Pulse beating fast, I thought, what interesting little game does he have in mind this time?"
from "Five Dimes," by the late Anita Melissa Mashman, in Best American Erotica 1993
Listen to the whole story, read by Saint Teresa Stone: Link.
After you peel yourself off the floor, I think you'll want to hear the rest!
Best American Erotica '93 was my first collection in the BAE series, and it's so good sometimes I wonder how I had the nerve to try another.
Audible now has the whole original audiobook for you to download: Link
Other authors include: Blake Aarens, Greg Boyd, Pat Califia, the late great Bob Flanagan and Ronald Sukenick, Lisa Palac, Carol Queen, Trish Thomas, and Carter Wilson, among others. (Trish almost got taken away by Katrina but we're still holding onto her!)
The actors, like Miss Stone, who recorded these erotic stories, are veterans of audiobook recording. But this is a BIG departure for them. They would love to hear what you think! You can send any fan or feedback letters to me and I will respectfully forward it to them.
Yes, that's Miss MoneyPenny, from James Bond's early incarnations.