What other occupations do you hold, or have you held, besides being a writer?
Teacher, waitress, maid, short order cook, salad girl, typist, transcriber, babysitter, dog walker & groomer, data entry clerk, computer specialist, gardener, performance artist, corset maker, seamstress, phone sex failure, mom, credit union manager, bookstore clerk, manager, phone representative, Social Security clerk (GS-6), dominatrix, sold fish by the side of the road, meat packer, audio announcer, actress, fruit picker... I could go on for pages and pages. Writing does not seem to earn a reliable living.
Are you now, or have you been a sex worker?
Yes, not a very good one.
Have you ever held Political Office?
Only in alternative organizations.
How old are you?
Fifty-seven, too old to care.
What is your astrological sign?
Aries, with intimations of Aquarius.
Are you a parent? A grandparent?
Parent and aunt.
Do your children and/or parents know about your erotic writing? Have they read it?
Parents knew and Mama read some. My boy just learned to read, not up to dykes and dicks yet.
Have you written and published Children's Stories, or Young Adult fiction?
Written some, published none.
Have you written and published Mystery or Crime fiction?
Have you written and published Poetry?
Has your work ever been banned in a nation, or seized at Customs?
Has your work ever been subpoenaed?
When not writing, what are you likely to be doing?
Hanging out with my family and friends.
Do you have any noteworthy hobbies, regimes, pursuits, or collections?
Extensive collection of lesbian feminist literature.
Dorothy Allison is the author of Bastard Out of Carolina, Cavedweller, Trash, and the forthcoming novel, She Who. “What She Did With Her Hands” appeared in Best American Erotica 2003.
Photo by Jill Posener.