In my excitement over Six Feet Under, I got a little behind telling you about my latest audio shows:
In Episode 209, I decide to shake out my letter box, which has been overflowing with great mail.
First off, a mom wonders if her newborn son's future sex life will suffer from circumcision. Her letter made me recall that when I was pregnant, and didn't yet know the gender of my child, I was lobbied hard by both sides of this issue. I even was taken to lunch by a man who had his foreskin reapplied, as an adult.
The problem is, it's one thing to decide for the newborn... and it's another to deal with the adult men around you who already had the choice made for them a long time ago. So often people think they're talking about "babies," when they're really talking about themselves.
I would not circumcise a son, because "the less cutting, the better," as far as I'm concerned. I believe the pain is no lie. Religious arguments, as you can imagine, fail to move me. But I would never tell an adult man that his sex life was a loss because he had been circumcised... that's ridiculous. There are much more influential experiences in his life which will determine his sexual potential, in particular, his parents' attitude about sex.
In my second letter, an empty-nest mom finds sexual and personal fulfillment in bondage— audio clip here.
And in my last letter, a newly-single man wants to know how long he should wait to start his next relationship. Let's see, you take your shoe size, divide by your IQ, and drop the decimal, and...
I do have some serious sex tips for those "on the rebound," because I'm exasperated with the all-or-nothing approach that I see in so many relationship manuals. This is a great time to have sex with friends, and sex that unabashedly plumps your ego and flatters your hopes, rather digging in for your retirement plans. The finesse part is finding the right partners for these moments!
In my latest episode, #210, I have a guest in the studio: writer Greta Christina, who reads the opening chapter from her new novella Bending, one of the three novellas included in my new book Three Kinds of Asking for It.
Also, in the "Try This At Home" mailbag, I asked Greta to help me answer a question from a couple with polyamorous fantasies, who want to know how to convince their friends to take strip poker that one extra step further.
Here's an audio clip on Real Player...
It was funny that Greta and I are both rather clueless when it comes to poker games... we needed Jennifer Tilly to come in for some guidance. I find it incredible that you can have friends come over, week after week, and take their clothes off in a card game, and yet no one ends up in bed!!! How is this possible? Is there something stifling about Texas Hold-em that I just don't understand? I like my foreplay to escalate...