I recently got a nice note from Rick Turner, the legendary guitar-maker and pickup artist. He praised my music reviews, which made me think, "Dang, I haven't posted anything I'm listening to in forever!"
A remedy is in order. Here's a few albums for March Madness, with not. one. bad. cut.
Imagine if Burt Bachrach went to sleep, and then woke up as the rudest girl imaginable. This is the avenging angel you'd hear in your bed: Lily Allen.
I've decided all Ted Haggard needs is a little Wednesday Night Prayer Meeting to give him a push. This is the "alternate take" on the reissued Blues and Roots:
Lily Allen said she admired Amy Winehouse, and I got soul-bowled all over again:
Finally, I had to do my little poledance to the Black Keys "I'll Be Your Man"
And what are you pole-dancing to lately?