Susie Bright Interviews Tristan Taormino: What's the Deal with "Open" Relationships?
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Tristan Taormino, Vivid Video's celebrated movie maker, author of Ultimate Guide to Anal Sex for Women and editor of the Best Lesbian Erotica series, has done it again: she's written a hands-on book, titled Opening Up, A Guide to Creating and Sustaining Open Relationships— about how to deal with all the issues that come up with non-monogamy.
Susie puts Tristan to the test! What if your lover throws a jealous fit at every play party and then denies it? How do you have kids and stay the course in a poly family? What if one partner is on the prowl and the other couldn't care less? Why do monogamous folks think they're doing any better? These two get a little carried away.....
If you like this sample and want to hear more, you can subscribe (for $2 a show) to my weekly show at I'm offering a 12-episode season on iTunes to give new listeners a taste.
Painting by: John Weiss. I got a wild hair to illustrate this story with photo stills of the old TV show, "Three's Company," but this portrait by popped up in my search. They're so much deeper.