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Betty Jo's Valentines

  • Rooster
    These are valentines from my mother's childhood scrapbook, "Betty Jo" Halloran. They were sent and received, from her siblings, grandparents, cousins, and friends, from 1929 to 1938, in Fargo, North Dakota, and Minneapolis/St. Paul. Please enjoy them with my love. xoxo, Susie

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April 02, 2008


Julia Sutton

Hey take me back to Paris. Susie I just loved your food descriptions. Suddenly I was back there - all the color and the smells and the joy of good food. I travelled there with my husband and a one year old baby. I still remember it as one of the happiest and certainly the most delicious times. Also loved your baked apple recipe - we have a family reunion tomorrow and I was wondering what to take. Now I am all set.
Keep up the great blogging Susie.

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