I am so proud of Greta Christina's new book I could burst.
When I first called Greta about making an audiobook, she didn't have a book in print, only the usual stack of rejection slips from publishers who just couldn't seem to wrap their mind around a madly-popular, genius, female atheist blogger.
I've known Greta was a remarkable writer and philosopher for years: she wrote the legendary "Are We Having Sex Now or What?" and "Bending." She's blown so many people's minds it was criminal the mainstream publishing world had never recognized her
I said, "Hey, do an audiobook with me. With the advance I give you, you can easily afford to publish an ebook, we'll launch both editions at the same time," and then laugh all the way to the bank."
Omg, I have never been so prescient.
Greta took my little proposal and ran with it. Her title: Why Are You Atheists So Angry? 99 Things That Piss Off the Godless.
A week after her ebook came out, Greta called me, in a quiet voice, and said, "Do I really make a 70% royalty, just for me, on this Kindle edition?" More silence.
"Yeah," I said, "That's right. Is something wrong?"
And then she uttered a number— the amount she had net the previous few days, and we both started shrieking with glee.
Needless to say, dear reader, Greta had to quit her day job about a month later. She had a print deal, royaltie$ coming out of her ears, and plans to do more books— more, more, more!
Narrated by Greta Christina