Just wanted to let you know that my book Red Diaper Baby: Three Comic Monologues is now available as an audiobook -- with me doing the narration!
A Letter to His Fans, from Josh Kornbluth -- the only author I know whose email list is actually a gas
Recorded at Berkeley's famed Fantasy Studios, my shows Red Diaper Baby, Haiku Tunnel, and The Mathematics of Change can finally be experienced totally aurally- with my physical presence, and all its attendant excretions (mostly sweat, I hope), miraculously removed!
This is perhaps the closest that humanity has come to the Platonic ideal of neurosis.
For years I've loved listening to audiobooks (often while I'm at the gym, toning my impressive, Paul Ryan-esque abs), and so I was particularly thrilled when I heard from my pal Susie Bright that Audible.com had asked her to invite a bunch of her favorite authors to create audiobooks.
I was a bit worried that the folks at Audible might consider me too obscure-- but it turns out that a bunch of them had actually seen me perform. Like many of my audience members through the years, at some point they'd probably asked themselves, "Hmm-- I wonder if there's a way of experiencing this without actually being physically close to the performer?" (Sadly, I also heard this question articulated on my wedding night.)
So we moved forward -- and now, thrillingly for me, three of my autobiographical stories can be enjoyed within the intimate comfort of your own ears.
How can you buy this audiobook? Why, I'm glad you asked!
And then you can happily listen to Red Diaper Baby: Three Comic Monologues on your iPod, on your computer, or in your car (preferably while on your way to browse at a local independent bookstore).
If you would be so kind as to enter your wildly over-inflated ratings and reviews of Red Diaper Baby on Audible, iTunes, and Amazon, I would be intensely grateful! I'm really happy with how my first audiobook came out, and would love for as many people as possible to hear it.
Take care,
P.S. A gentle warning: In the middle of our recording session I had a rather large lunch, after which my tummy was apparently trying to re-create a percussion solo that Cannonball Adderley's band had once recorded in that very studio.
I'm pretty sure the wonderful sound editors at Audible dealt with most of that, but if you still hear any aural remnants of gastric distress, think of them as delightful sound effects -- affectionate tributes to a bygone, analog era