Dear Audiobook-Addict Pals,
As you know, Audible asked me to work as their first Editor-at-Large this year, acquiring and producing favorite books from my shelves.
I get some of my best ideas for new audiobook titles from my friends and fellow-audio-crazed listeners. I don’t mean to make generalizations, but you, the cadre, have great taste! I’m grateful to get your editorial feedback. Believe me, I’m going to act on your suggestions-- I already have.
Do you have time to answer my Listener Survey below? Tell me anything you want, and I’ll make my plan for next year.
Here how: Paste the questions below into an email, type in your reactions, and send it to: [email protected] -- Subject: Audiobook Survey Answers
Thank you so much!
xoxo, Susie
Susie's Audiobook Editorial Survey, for Discriminating Listeners
1. What’s your favorite new audiobook you listened to this year?
2. Do you have certain audiobooks you listen more than once? Tell me the title(s).
3. Do you have a favorite book or author you wish was in audio, but isn’t yet?
4. Is there a subject— fiction or nonfiction— that you wish was better represented in audiobooks, or where you’d find more variety?
5. Is there a genre of book that you wish was better represented in audio, or where you’d find more variety?
6. When you’re picking a new audiobook, how much do the following characteristics weigh on your decision?
____ it’s a book you already liked, already in print or in ebook
____ you love this particular author
____ the narrator voice sample sounds really good
____ it’s on the bestseller lists
____ Audible customer reviews
____ Amazon, Goodreads, or other online customer reviews
____ Word of mouth
____ You saw a Twitter or Facebook review about it
____ You saw the movie that the audiobook was based on
____ it's a book you heard about on the radio/TV or news
____ you enjoyed radio or Audible interviews with this author
7. Do you follow other “Audible Listeners,” whose reviews you find simpatico?
8. Have you found any “hidden” gems on Audible, that not many other people have listened to, but you think are really great? Tell me, Narrators… or titles!
9. Do you write customer reviews?
____ Never or rarely
____ No, but I feel guilty about it and swear I’m going to do it some day
____ Sometimes when it’s really awful
____ Sometimes when it’s really good
____ I’ll usually click on the “stars,” if nothing else
____ I write reviews most of the time, I like to
10. Do you find there’s certain kind of books or genres you like to read in print— but you don’t like them as much in audio? Tell me about that.
11. Do you ever listen to compilations or short stories in audio? Which titles?
12. The visceral appeal of audio storytelling… do you like it, across genre? Do you like to get scared, sexually aroused, horrified, riled up, inspired, angered, therapized, soothed… or, do you prefer some of those reactions for “print” only?
13. Are the kind of person who learns and absorbs more by listening, than sight reading? Feel free to describe more, beyond yes or no.
14. What is your favorite audiobook of all time? Your favorite narrator of all time?
15. Have you tried the new “Whisper-Sync” feature--- how was it for you, on a sensual, readerly level?
16. What “device” do you usually listen to you books on?
17. What setting do you like to listen to your audiobooks?
____ Commuting
____ Going to bed
____ Working
____ Exercising
____ Sharing it with the whole family
____ Sharing it with companion/lover/partner
____ Cooking
____ Driving
____ Cleaning
18. If you were going to introduce a “newbie” to Audiobooks, who wasn’t sure they’d like it, what title, author, or narrator would you recommend?
19. Feel free to tell me anything else you think audiobook editors ought to know!
Photo Credit: A fan sent me this awesome 50's pulp novel... the cover is so wonderful. Unfortunately the text is a total let-down... Sandy is a tease!