Love Junkie, by Rachel Resnick
The pinnacle memoir of love and sex addiction, in time for Valentine's Day! Cupid, take your bow and shove it.
Rachel Resnick picks up her pen in her forties— single, broke, depressed, and childless. What happened?
Looking back over the years, Rachel peels back one exquisite yet failed relationship after another to discover why she's so far away from her dreams of marriage and family. Shouldn't that be the end result, when all you cared about was love?
Resnick got her first lesson in passion from her beautiful and addicted mother, who took her children to a brink that few have experienced. It affected Resnick for the rest of her life. I remember meeting Rachel and Janet Finch of White Oleander in a green room at a writers festival one afternoon... and we had a goosebumps moment of mutual recognition: the survivors club of filicide.
Love Junkie was an indie bookstore bestseller in Southern California, where many of her fans remembered her debut book, "Go West Young Fucked Up Chick." With a title like that, you knew there was more to come!
LJ is superbly narrated by Lauren Weedman, who you'll recognize from True Blood and Hung. Lauren brings out the humor and the pathos in each scene, top notch.