What Doctors Feel: How Emotions Affect the Practice of Medicine, by Danielle Ofri, M.D.
What Doctors Feel is Danielle Ofri’s doctors’-eye view of patient treatment.
You'll get a behind the scenes look at medical practices and hospitals, biases doctors have, how their tribulations affect their interactions with patients in bad--and good ways, and what can be done to improve things.
Grey’s Anatomy was not that far off.
Ofri confirms that all those mean jokes they made at the expense of obese patients and drug addicts are du jour in hospitals.
She also talks candidly about politically incorrect stereotypes doctors hold about patients, Asians are stoic, Hispanics: hystrionic.
At the same time, Ofri offers cases where doctors go out of their way to help patients whom they care for. One of Ofri’s patients in the book needs a new heart, but can’t get one because she’s undocumented. Ofri cares for her for eight years trying to make her life as comfortable as possible.
The inside details about what medical students are taught, go through, and what happens in the hospital are fascinating; so many different schools of thought! For every Dr. Stevens, there’s a Dr. House.
Narrated with genuine compassion and humaor by Andi Arndt.
--Aretha Bright and Willow Pennell