Sweet Tea: Black Gay Men of the South, by E. Patrick Johnson
"It's pretty rare to pick up a book, turn randomly to any page, and find such a powerful personal story that you have to close the book for a moment to take it in. But the oral histories featured in Sweet Tea . . . cast just that kind of spell."
-- The Advocate
Sweet Tea is such a special book; a milestone in gay literature, Black history, and Southern history. We’re proud to bring this to Audible.
Southern and African American culture both have a reputation for being hostile to gay men. It’s no wonder that gay black men living in the South have been all but invisible. E. Patrick Johnson brings these lives to light.
Sweet Tea brings interviews with black gay men of every age and from all over the South. They talk about living with racism and homophobia, finding each other, their families, and living the lives they wish for. Exploring their lives in the present and in the past.
Audible acquired the beautifully produced, never-released existing narration, from the University of North Carolina. It's truly touching.
Narrated by E. Patrick Johnson, the editor, who is just as remarkable in his narration as he was as an editor!
--Susie Bright and Willow Pennell