Dennis Hopper: The Wild Ride of a Hollywood Rebel, by Peter L. Winkler
This is top-notch Hollywood celeb candy with all the addictive trimmings.
I thought I knew Dennis Hopper, but the first chapter of this book left my jaw open— What an incredible childhood! He was lucky to live through it.
Hopper was “discovered” in Hollywood by falling off a log— it was so easy for him. He would just show up and get attention the minute he walked through the door.
Yes, author Winkler spares no private details. “Names are named,” he promises, and they are. You’ll learn every gruesome deal in movie industry, plus the requisite 60s-level sex and drugs. And the art. Of course, the art.
Narrated by Greg Itzin, who does Hopper a very good turn!
—Aretha Bright